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What is Grace ?

 Grace is the divine influences on the heart of a man that is reflected or expressed outwardly. Divine influence meaning divine impartation in the heart(spirit) of a man.

When you receive God's word and injest it into your spirit, what it becomes is grace.

When you get imparted with grace it changes how and what you do things. 

Grace - greek Karis

Grace here refers to the divine influence on the heart reflected in life, reflected on the outward expression. In other words it is the outworking of an inward influence, the divine influence in your heart. Divine that means it got to do with deity "God".

So the Lord impresses upon your heart through his word and the Holy ghost.

And whatever is deposited by that influence is seen on the outside. 

The Grace of God cannot be seen until you see what it produces.

When the divine influence works out within a man's spirit there are things that you see outwardly:

1. Acceptability. nature responds to you with working in your life. 

2. Grace brings you the benefits/advantage. Grace beautifies your spirit, it is the glory of God working in a man's spirit. 

3. Grace brings you favour. Good is turned towards you, and when you go wrong forgiveness seems to be abundantly available. 

4. Grace brings joy into your life. It is called joy unspeakable, indescribable and full of glory. 

5. Grace brings liberality. Meaning that grace working in your spirit it opens a two way channel a giving and receiving channel, a giving and receiving inspiration, it causes you to release. 

6. Pleasure. As it works you please God, God care's about you being happy. As you find yourself doing something pleasurable the desire to please God is strong, Your live is actually a live for him.

7. Grace brings gifts into your life. The Grace of God in you deposits an uncanny ability to do what others can not do in your spirit. Grace brings you a gift it might be the gift of singing or ability to repair thing, some are so good in understanding certain things and you need to recognize it and if you fail to recognize it will weaken and the power of God cannot be on it to use it to magnify you.

Know how to connect with God because grace begat grace, in other words grace reproduces more grace but for more grace to come you have to know what to do with the one he has given you.


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